Cooper & Quint in your shop?

Would you like to sell Cooper & Quint products in your shop, pet shop, groomer, dog school or webshop?

Great! Please contact us for more information, such as price list and catalogue.

You can also buy our products directly through one of the B2B platforms below.

No account yet? No problem! Creating an account is a piece of cake.

The benefits of Cooper & Quint in your shop

Handmade in The Netherlands

Cooper & Quint's range is handmade in a small workshop in Weesp. We work together with people with a distance to the labour market. This way, we offer opportunities for everyone to contribute to a brighter future for animals, people and the environment.

A range of sustainable materials 100% plastic-free

All items from Cooper & Quint are made from sustainable materials, free of toxic substances, European-made and all 100% plastic-free.

Timeless and stylish design

All Cooper & Quint products are designed by Jacobien. Preconditions for our designs are that they are timeless and stylish. This way, your Cooper & Quint items are useful for a long time and can be combined well with other items.

  • Chez le Chien

    A great discovery! The colour choice is a bit limited, but I will test the products with my customers and hope to place another order soon.

  • Kim Knapper Dogtraining

    Beautiful products, shipped well packaged. Can also always send a question/message

  • Dier & Cadeau

    Fast delivery, nicely packed, beautiful quality and nice contact!